(by 2025)

MIB - Marseille Immunology Biocluster

Strong ambitions
for the next 10 years

  • MIB is the only biocluster with such a broad ambition in immunology. This will enable it to develop therapeutic solutions from immuno-oncology to treatments for chronic inflammation, autoimmune disorders and infectious diseases.

    Dr. Daniel Olive

    MIB Project Scientific and Technical Manager

    Dr. Daniel Olive

Ambitious research objectives

Accelerating research projects

+50% phase 1/2 trials in immunology

5 antibodies in phase 2/3

Developing new French drugs

1 blockbuster approuvé

3 approved niche antibodies

Economic objectives with impact

Strengthening local entrepreneurship

30 new viable start-ups

30 company locations

Developing the local economy

2,000 direct jobs created

+ 2 billion euros in capital

Local, national and international ambitions